Friday, March 11, 2011


Dear parents and students,

Here are something that I want to keep you informed:
1. My school is now registered as a heritage school in California. Please see the web page of the Department of Education:

2. March and April are good time for open classes. Please help me to advertise my school, and ask your friends and classmates to visit my school. I plan to enroll more students for 200-800, but will close 100 in the next school year.

3. I will introduce " 成长汉语”into class 100 to 500. Please watch the course:

You are asked to download the video for homework. So, I will teach you how to download them in the class. Please let me know if you have any questions.

4. I will introduce 特别中文 to class 500-800. Please listen to the audio:

5. I will record the presentations in the class. So, students should be well prepared for a better performance.

6. Watching TV series is a good way to learn Chinese. Here are 3 TV series for different levels. Time should be 15-30 minutes a day, but 7 days a week.
a. 大头儿子和小头爸爸 for 100-300
b. 还珠格格 for 300-500
c. 杜拉拉升职记 for 500-800

Please try the following links:





Teacher Mei

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