Thursday, December 24, 2009


Dear Parents and students:

As I finish teaching the last class for 2009, after I saw all the students off, I returned to the quiet classroom to write this letter to you. I would like to take this opportunity to look back on the teaching and learning that took place in the past four month. I would like to share my joy in the successes and ask for support in addressing my concerns. Let us work together to make our school a better learning environment in the New Year!


On May 27th, Shawn’s mother called me asking me to make a presentation on my Mandarin language teaching method. After my presentation, Shawn expressed interest in learning Mandarin using my teaching method incorporating the computer technology. My personal observation is that the traditional Mandarin teaching in the United States has come to an impasse. I believe teaching using computer technology is the only way to resolve this issue. I started exploring teaching Mandarin using computer technology over 3 years ago. So far, I have been able to come up with a basic and complete system. With the help from Shawn’s mother, I have started to give presentations to promote our school in Foster City which has a thriving Chinese community. My goal is to provide a more effective and fun way for my students to learn Mandarin.

今年五月二十七号,Shawn的妈妈打电话给我,说希望我去介绍我是怎么教中文的。我去了,Shawn很喜欢这种用电脑来学中文的方法。根据我的观察,美国的传统中文教学已经遇到了瓶颈。要解决这个难题,电脑教学是必走之路。我早在三年以前就在探索这条路了。如今,已基本形成了我的整个系统。在Shawn的妈妈的帮助下,我开始办讲演会,希望在华人较多的Foster City开班,让更多的同学用这种有趣,有用,有效的方法来学中文。

On August 31, our school started. Although our new school is small, but, it provide the students and parents in Foster City an alternative. Learning Mandarin does not have to be that boring! To a primary student, the computers’ multimedia presentation of the Chinese character, its meaning in English and its Mandarin pronunciation, as well as its ability to display Chinese characters and simultaneously pronounce the characters after the students input the Pin Yin; with a simple click of the mouse, the student can also chose to display the English translation, this dynamic method of learning is far more interesting and effective than the traditional “copy my character” way of learning, it stimulate the students in many ways at the same time, such as their sight, hearing, pronunciation, typing and memorization. We also use Power point and Blog to compose in Mandarin and the student are encouraged to present their writing in class to hone their writing and oral presentation skills. To the middle and high students, our school is conveniently located; the classes do not take up your precious weekends. I teach lessons which are highly relevant to the students’ lives and of interest to them. In class, the students get to do most of the talking. I only explain the key words and analyze the differences in Chinese and English. I have incorporated SAT II questions in our exercises to familiarize our students to exam taking. A key component of my teaching is to introduce Chinese culture to my students appropriate to their level. In September, we told the story of Chang Er flying to the moon and the story of mid-autumn festival. In October, we talked about the origin of Chong Yang festival. All of the stories are told through DVD and Power point, a much more vivid presentation than a mere oral storytelling. In the last 4 month, our success has been only possible through the hard work and efforts from the teacher, parents and students-my diligent teaching, parents’ effort to make sure students are on time and the attentiveness of the students in class and doing homework.

八月三十一号,学校开学了。新学校虽然很小,但它给Foster City的家长们和同学们一个不一样的选择。原来,学中文不是那么boring! 对小学生来说,电脑把中文的字形,字义和字音结合在一起,用声,光,电多媒体的方式呈现在我们面前。我们在键盘输入拼音,屏幕就会出现中文字,同时读出该字的发音。若将滑鼠移至近旁,还会出现英文解释。这样动态地学习,眼睛看,耳朵听,嘴巴读,手指打,脑子记,同时进行,比传统的画字要有趣味,有效率得多。我们还用power point 和blog来写作文并在课堂上讲演。这样既提高了同学们的写作水平,又加强了口头表达能力。对中学生和高中生来说,不用走老远,不用占周末的时间,就可以上高班的中文课。课文与同学们的生活息息相关,都是同学们感兴趣的话题。因此,课堂上以学生讲说为主。我只适当地讲解一些字词要点,剖析英汉的差异。我把SATII的试题加入课堂练习,让同学们逐渐熟悉适应考试的内容。由浅入深地介绍中华文化是我教学的重要部份。九月,我们讲了嫦娥奔月和中秋的故事。十月,我们讲了重阳节的由来。我是通过DVD和Power Point来介绍的。这要比口说和书本生动得多。四个月来,我认真地教学,家长们准时接送,同学们用心听讲并完成作业。老师,家长和同学三方的合作是成功的保证。

Although I am happy with our achievement, my biggest concern is that some students do little or no homework. Maybe some of you do not take learning Chinese seriously. It is common knowledge that Mandarin is one of the most challenging languages to learn. How difficult is Mandarin, you may ask? Let me give you an example: if a Mandarin speaker need to spend 4 years to study English to be able to pass TOFEL exam to master sufficient English to study in the US, then an English speaker must spend 12 years to pass HSK(Mandarin standard test) level 1 to study in China! In the trip to China Obama just took, he said that the US will send 10,000 youth to China to study. In the next decades, the US-China relation will reach historical heights; any relationship requires mastery of their language. Some of you may think that “I am not going to China; I don’t need to know Mandarin.” No one knows what the future might hold; I never thought I was coming to the United States. Similarly, some of you may end up in China, even if you could not imagine you might. Even if you do not go to China, knowing Chinese gives you a competitive edge. You may have to compete with the students from China in the hundreds and thousands. They are formidable competitors; they have good English and Chinese, good at math and science; have a broad knowledge base, highly motivated and disciplined; they are cheaper, too. All employers would love to hire them. Companies from the Silicon Valley are most proactive in lobbying H-1 visas to the congress. To them, the overseas students are vital to their survival. Those overseas students are not only your formidable competitor; they are also your models to learn from. Their Mandarin is excellent, of course, but, their English is good, too! It would be quite an achievement for you, my students, if your Chinese is half as good as their English. I urge all my students to spend 15 minutes each day on their Chinese homework. With persistence, much could be achieved! I am asking all parents to monitor and remind the students to do their home works. Thank you for your support and cooperation!

在成功的快乐中,也有忧虑。最大的忧虑就是有些同学少做或不做作业。这可能与有些同学不重视中文有关。大家知道,中文是最难的语言之一。有多难?打个比方:如果当年你我花了四年时间考过了托福来美国留学,那同学们得花十二年才能考过HSK(汉语水平考试)一级,去大陆留学。此次欧巴马访中,提出今后赴华留学生要增至十万人。今后几十年,大陆和美国的交往会达到空前的规模。要交往,就要会对方的语言。同学们可以说,我不去大陆,用不着中文。去不去大陆,谁也不知道。我真没想到我会来美国,同样,同学们也许会没想到要去中国。就是不去中国,在这里如果你会中文,你就可以与其他人竞争,包括从大陆来的数十万留学生竞争。他们是可敬的对手。中英文都好,数理化好,知识面广,有上进心,守纪听话,薪水较低。哪个雇主会不喜欢?我们硅谷的公司去国会游说H-1签证最积极了。他们明白,没有留学生,就没有这些公司。留学生们既是可敬的对手,又是学习的榜样。他们的中文当然好,可是他们的英文也不错呀!同学们的中文能有他们英文的一半就不错了。希望同学们每天做十五分钟的作业,长年累月坚持下来,成绩一定是可观的。这点恳请家长们督促! 提醒同学们。谢谢你们的支持与配合!

I have bought 5 new notebook computers to be used in class. In the future, all students will not only read, speak, listen and write in class, they will also type. This is unique to our school. I will prepare bottled water for each student, please remember to close the bottle tight to avoid spilling on the keyboard.


After winter break, we would review the first 5 lessons. Tests will be conducted in the second week. Tests 100,200,300,400 would be on lesson 1-5 chants and teacher’s assignment on lesson 5. Tests 500,600,700 would be on the phrases and sentencing building from the 1st 5 lessons. SAT II 100, 200, 300, 400 students must review the drills and exercises of the 1st 5 lessons. 500, 600, 700 students must be familiar with the text of the lessons, must be able to write a story interpreting a series of pictures and write e-mails in Mandarin. In the following month, we will learn: lunar calendar, solar calendar, solar terms, Chinese zodiac signs, Chinese New Year, how does the Chinese celebrate New Year, Lantern Festival, how does the Chinese celebrate Lantern Festival? I would use Power Point, CD-ROM or DVD to assist in my teaching so that it would be more entertaining. In June, first week would be revision, second week exams. Prior to the AP exam in May, I will have additional classes for tutoring. In November, there will be SATII, I will also have additional classes for tutoring. Our school will have a booth at the 2010 Foster City Art and Wine Festival. I would appreciate any help from the students who can tend the booth with me. I would also greatly appreciate all of you to speak to any potential students about our school so that more people can benefit from computer aided learning of Mandarin!

过完年,我们就复习前五课。第二个星期考试。100,200,300,400考1-5课的Chant和第五课的Teacher"s Assignment. 500,600,700考前五课的大意重组和SATII. 100, 200, 300, 400的同学要复习前五课的Drill和Exercise. 500, 600, 700 的同学要熟读课文并做看图作文和email作文。接下来的一个月,我们要教的内容有:什么是阴历,阳历?什么是节气?什么是生肖?什么是农历新年?中国人怎么过年?什么是元宵节?中国人怎么过元宵节?我会用Power Point, CD-ROM 或DVD来讲,而不是仅仅用嘴巴讲。希望同学们会喜欢。六月的第一个星期复习,第二个星期考试。五月初有AP考试,我会另外在考前开辅导课。十一月有SATII考试,我也会另外在考前开辅导课。我会参加2010 年的Foster City Art and Wine Festival. 欢迎同学们来帮忙站台。也希望大家向朋友介绍我们的学校,让更多的同学来用电脑学中文。

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Bo-Ji Mei

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