Thursday, August 26, 2010

Monthly Letter September, 2010

电脑学中文通讯 Compu Chinese Monthly Letter 9/10
1900 S. Norfolk St., #240, San Mateo

二)在校 B: When at school

Stand up with respect when the teacher enters or leaves the classroom. Say goodbye to teacher, and do not break up in a hubbub.
Raise hands and wait for the teacher to call on, and then ask the teacher questions or seek help with problems.
When you meet your teacher outside of the school, stand up straight and greet them politely and respectfully.

In class, sit properly or stand properly. Do not speak whenever you want. Avoid resting your chin on your hands, crossing your legs, slouching or putting your feet on chairs. Do not play cell phone and video games. Listen attentively, not absent-mindedly.
During exams, avoid speaking or looking around. Do not cheat in the exams.
Love and help your classmates. Do not bully, or make fun of your classmates.
Finish homework on time. Homework should be neat, and well organized. The papers given by teacher in the class should be kept in file. Do not throw away.
Keep the classroom clean. Do not little the floor with scraps of paper. Take good care of chairs, tables and other property. Avoid changing the setups of the computer. Clean the area around you, and put the chair back when you leave.